My Crafty Creations


Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Goody bags..!!!

Check out these cute goody bags.. These are really cute and lovely... Have embellished them with handmade roses and have tied this goody bag using ribbons / paper ropes..

Check out the variations.. :) :)

 A closer look at those roses.. :)


Entering these into the following challenges
Handmade flowers and ribbons from Quirky..
Anything goes from Kalayaa
Create your own flowers from Crafty Cardmakers


  1. These are lovely, (and such a great change from cards!) Love your flowers, they are just perfect!
    Thank you for joining Quirky Crafts Challenge this time round!!
    ((Lyn)) Quirky DT

  2. Link this one to For love of crafting too as you can enter 5 times before the deadline

  3. Gorgeous bags and I love the flowers! Thank you so much for joining in with our challenge at Quirky Crafts Challenge Blog

  4. hi!!! what a pretty patterns... awesome ...

  5. Anusha your goodie bags are absolutely gorgeous, thanks for playing along at "For the love of crafting"

  6. When any crafter makes a perfect rose it's always appreciating. Your roses are gorgeous.

  7. Thanks a lot for ur appreciations.. :-)


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